How to Delete LinkedIn Account Without Password?


No longer active on LinkedIn and want to delete the profile. Yes, it’s possible and easy to do.

Plus, you can miss out on many great job opportunities if you leave this platform. That’s because nowadays, up to 93% of recruiters are using LinkedIn to hire new employees.

Related: how to delete my cv on LinkedIn

If you just want to get off-track for a short while only and enjoy a temporary break from all the work haul, it’s better that you hibernate your account instead of closing it completely. With this option, you can easily reactivate your account whenever you want.

What if you closed the account permanently but changed your mind later?

No worries, because you can restore a deleted LinkedIn account. How? Find the details in the article below.

So, keep reading to know the complete procedure and different ways for deleting your profile;

How to Delete LinkedIn Account temporarily and Permanently with Video Tutorial

Deleting LinkedIn Account

How to Permanently Delete LinkedIn Account?

  1. To delete LinkedIn account permanently, click on the Me icon from the menu bar above your news feed.
  2. Select Settings & Privacy to open all profile settings.
how to finish setting linkedin account, Linkedin Account setting
  1. The new page automatically opens Account Preferences.
  2. Scroll down to the Account Management options. Click on Close Account.
how do you close a linkedin account

5. It will take you to a new page describing what you will lose by permanently deleting your profile. Select Continue.

close linkedin account

6. Choose the reason why you are deleting your account and click Next. In case your reason isn’t listed there, select others and write in the text box. Then click Next.

how to close linkedin account temporarily
  1. Check the box if you want to unsubscribe from LinkedIn email communication. Write password in the given field and click Done.
close linkedin account without email
  1. Your ID has been closed now. You may retrieve it within 14 days if you want. After that, it will be permanently closed, and all your data uploaded on this site will be wasted.

These methods explain LinkedIn account delete procedure when using a PC. For a tutorial on how do you delete a LinkedIn account on mobile phone, see the next section;

How To Delete LinkedIn Account On Iphone?

  1. Tap on your profile picture.
  2. Choose Settings from the menu that pops in from the left side.
  3. Once Settings are open, go to Account Preferences and scroll down to Account Management options.
  4. Tap on Close Account. The Close Account page will open. Select Continue to proceed.
  5. It will ask you for a reason for closing the account, choose from the given options, or describes yours via the Others option. Then click Next.
  6. In the last step, you will be asked whether you want to receive LinkedIn newsletter emails. Check the box if you want them, or keep it unchecked if you don’t. Now, fill in the password to verify yourself.
  7. Select Done to confirm account deletion.

How To Delete LinkedIn Account Mobile Android Devices?

Profile deletion method for Android systems is the same as iOS. So, follow the steps described in the previous section to remove your ID using an Android phone.

How To Delete LinkedIn Account App?

On some Android devices, the LinkedIn app is pre-installed on the phone with other system apps. So you cannot delete it from your device.

However, you can disable the app using the application settings of your smartphone.

Conversely, if your smartphone didn’t had the app pre-installed and you downloaded it. You can remove it from the mobile anytime. Go to mobile settings and uninstall it from the Applications list.

How to Close LinkedIn Account Temporarily?

Sometimes you want a break from the overwhelming content spread on social media. So, you just want to disconnect from the world, restore your energies and then get back with new zeal.

In these cases, you just want to shut it down for a short time and not say a final goodbye to your professional profile.

To do so, Hibernate (aka. temporarily close) your profile instead of closing it as described below:

  1. Go to profile management settings  following the above-mentioned path;

Me >> Settings & Privacy >> Account Preferences >> Account Management

  1. Select Hibernate Account.
how to deactivate linkedin account temporarily
  1. A page will open, asking for the reasons you want to temporarily leave the platform. This step is optional. If you want to share the reason, select it from the given options or write it in the text box. Then click on the Next button.
how to hibernate linkedin account
  1. At the last step, give your password and select Hibernate account.

Your ID has been deactivated. So, it won’t show up to others in search results or connection suggestions. Your profile picture is replaced with the generic picture icon. Also, your posts and comments are no longer visible to other members.

Only the recommendations you have given or your previous chat will show up, attributed to “A LinkedIn Member.”

To end up Hibernation, simply log in, and your account will be reactivated, and all information is restored.

Besides permanent closure and hibernation, you also have another option to restrict access to your profile. That’s by hiding your public profile.

How to Hide Public Profile Without Deleting LinkedIn Account?

When you turn the public visibility off for your profile, its access is limited to LinkedIn members only.

People who have not signed in to this platform can find your profile in Google or Bing search results. They can open and see it if you have enabled public visibility. But if public visibility is turned off, they see a “profile not found” page.

how to hibernate linkedin account

On the other side, if your profile visibility is turned on, they can open your profile and see your photo, banner, career summary, and other public information.

  1. Go to Me >> Settings & Privacy.
  2. Open Visibility settings.
  3. Click on Edit your public profile.
linkedin public profile
  1. A new page of Public Profile Settings is opened. Here, on the right column, you will see the Edit Visibility settings below URL and content editing options.
  2. Toggle the switch off to hide your profile from non-members.
how to hide your profile from someone on linkedin

From this settings panel, you can also select which information on your profile is visible to other LinkedIn members. Your name, region and number of connections would be visible to every other member but for other data, you have a choice to display or hide.

how do i turn off linkedin visibility and linkedin visibility settings

Delete LinkedIn Account Without Password?

The simple answer to can you delete LinkedIn account without password is “No, it’s not possible.”

This question is mostly asked by people who have forgotten their password and fear their data may be accessed or exploited by someone else. So, they should better close it.

But the good news is you can change the password even if you don’t remember the older one.

Recovering Your LinkedIn Account Password Change Method

You can reset your LinkedIn account password using your email as follows;

  1. Open the LinkedIn log-In page,
  2. Click on Forgot Password option right below the password fill-in box.
  3. Give the email address you used for your LinkedIn ID. Hit Reset Password.
  4. A verification code is sent to you via mail. Write it in the text box asking for it.
  5. When you Submit that code via the code verification box, you are redirected to a “Choose a new Password” page.
  6. Here, choose a new password and confirm it by retyping. Select Submit.

With the last step of this method of recovery your LinkedIn account password has been changed. You can use your new password to log into and use your account.

How to Recover LinkedIn Account Without Email?

If you are looking for ways to regain access to your profile without an email ID, you can use your phone number or an alternate email.

And when you log in using your phone number, you can easily delete LinkedIn account without email.

However, if you don’t have any of these, you can make a LinkedIn account recovery appeal. They will ask you for a clear photo of your Government ID so that they can confirm that your identity matches the profile credentials.

After the LinkedIn team verifies your personal identity, they will give you access to your profile.

Simply put, you have no alternative ways to Delete Your LinkedIn Account without a password. You need to verify the ownership of the account (using either the email, phone number or personal ID card) if you want to close it.

Why Should You Delete Your LinkedIn Account And What You Must Do Before That?

While LinkedIn is the leading professional platform that can help you level up your career. But sometimes people want to remove their professional profiles due to one of the following reasons;

1.      To Save Time and Energy

Managing the profile and keeping up with the latest content trends takes time.

While you may be interested in updating your profile and staying on top of the social marketing game, it can damage your productivity level at other tasks.

That’s because most of your energy is used in engaging with other’s content, creating and posting similar things and profile management.

So, many individuals who want to save their productive energies decide to shut down their profile, as shared in this Reddit story.

2.      Due To Small or No Targeted Audience

Sometimes people leave LinkedIn because their potential clients don’t use the platform. Although it’s becoming increasingly popular, yet not everyone uses LinkedIn.

According to stats, 16.4 % of people among the total adult population of the world have signed up for this platform.

So, if your product or services are for such an audience, your profile here is not going to benefit you a lot. So, you may think of closing it.

3.      For Data Privacy

Some people want to close their accounts due to privacy reasons.

4.      To Avoid Comparison Anxiety

Many feel, especially in the struggling phase of their career, tend to quit community platforms like LinkedIn due to the overwhelmed they feel by comparing themselves with others’ success stories.

Revenue stats and an explosion of achievement tales from others seem like pushing them into a relentless number game. Many get into this contest blindly, but many others consider it toxic for their mental health and choose to close their account.

A Reddit user, anon66783, expressed similar concerns.

Many users agreed with him, but they were of the view that it is better to continue with your account and unfollow people and groups that bother you.

Instead, you can just focus on making your profile more attractive to recruiters and keep applying to job opening.

We also recommend you stay on LinkedIn, using your profile as your online CV presenter and an excellent job finder according to your skills, location, and preferences.

But if you still decide to quit, you should back up your LinkedIn account information before you remove your profile.

Where is Download a Copy Of Your Data in LinkedIn?

You can get a copy of your data delivered to your mail via data privacy settings.

  1. Click on Me icon and open Settings & Privacy from the menu.
  2. Open the Data Privacy tab.
  3. In the first section, How LinkedIn Uses your data, you will find the option to Get a copy of your data. Select it.
what are the areas in which linkedin divides your data?
  1. Once on the Export Your Data page, you can select to download either a large archive file or go for smaller files having specific kinds of data.
  1. After choosing your required data file, Click on Request Archive.
how to download linkedin data and linkedin data scraping
  1. Based on the size of the file you have requested, LinkedIn will take 10 minutes to 24 hours to send you a copy of your data.

LinkedIn Restore Deleted Account (How to Recover Deleted LinkedIn Account)

Can You Recover Deleted LinkedIn Account?

Many people ask that can we get back after closing LinkedIn account.

Luckily, the answer is yes. You can retrieve deleted LinkedIn account within 14 days of closing it. However, after 14 days, it is not possible to restore deleted LinkedIn account and get your connections back.

Also, if you have closed your account, you will still lose some of your data on LinkedIn in restoring deleted account.

Account retrieval does not recover everything.

  • You will lose the recommendations and endorsements you got from other people. 
  • If you had joined some groups or followed influencers or businesses, your memberships and followings would be gone. You’d have to rejoin and follow your favorites.
  • Also, any invites that were pending when you closed the account are wasted.

How to Recover Deleted LinkedIn Account?

To recover your profile, simply log in as you normally would. Select the Reactivate option to recover deleted profile. 

LinkedIn will send you a confirmation email to ensure that you want to reopen your account. Confirm using the link sent in the mail, and your profile is recovered.

How To Delete my LinkedIn Page?

You can deactivate your business page when you don’t need it. However, page deletion option is only available from the Desktop version of the site. So, you can’t do it through the mobile app.

Also, you must be a super admin to delete a LinkedIn page.

Let’s get into the procedure;

  1. Open the Page Admin view by; the Me icon >> Page name from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click on Admin tools. A settings menu will open.
  3. You will see a Deactivate page or Deactivate Showcase Page option. Select it.
  4. A pop-up box will open describing that by deactivating the page, you will be removing access for other admins and employee associations with the page. Check mark the box to verify that you understand the implications of deleting your Page.
  5. Click Deactivate. A notification will pop up, informing you that your page has been deactivated and removed.

What Happens When I Delete My LinkedIn Account?

If I Delete My LinkedIn Account Can People Still See It?

No, once you have deleted your profile, people can’t see it. Even if you shut it down temporarily, it will only show up in a few places, like your previous chat with other people or the recommendations and endorsements you gave.

And that too without your name and details, only like a LinkedIn member.      

Are Contacts Notified When Closing LinkedIn Account?

Your contacts won’t be notified when your profile is removed from the site.

Does LinkedIn Delete Inactive Accounts?

No, they do not delete inactive accounts. Your profile will remain intact if you haven’t posted or updated the information or even not logged in for a long time.

Can People Still Message You After Closing LinkedIn Account?

Once closed or hibernated, your profile becomes unapproachable. So, people can’t send you messages after you have removed your ID.

Your chat will stay in the messenger of people you have already sent or received messages. But it will be renamed to “a LinkedIn Member.” And they won’t be able to text you as the chat box will display a notification that “LinkedIn member unable to receive messages.”

However, your previous chat with them will remain saved on their messenger until they delete it.


How to reactivate my LinkedIn account?

To reactivate your profile, Sign in using the associated email address and password. The reactivation option will automatically show up and are necessary to proceed further.

But do remember that you can only reactivate your ID within 14 days of deletion.

How to delete old LinkedIn account without password or email?

You can use your phone number to reset your LinkedIn password and delete the old profile without email.

How to delete LinkedIn account without logging in?

Simply put, it’s not possible.

You must log in to an account to access account deletion options. For this, you must have your login credentials (aka. your email address and password).

You can also use your phone number associated with the account in place of email.

And if you are unable to recall the password is an issue, you can easily reset it with the Forgot Password option. It’s also possible to retrieve the password without email using your phone number.

Besides that, you can access your profile by verifying your official identity.

How to recover merged LinkedIn account?

You cannot unmerge two accounts as separate profile. But all the contacts remained saved after merging because they were transferred to the ID that’s still functional.

How long does it take to delete LinkedIn account?

To close your account, you just need a minute or two. Log into your ID, and the whole deletion process will hardly take you 1-5 minutes.

And once the deletion process is prompted, it will take about 24 hours to completely remove your personal information and other content from this platform. The information indexed on search engine databases may take a few days to update.

How to reactivate LinkedIn account after 20 days?

You cannot retrieve your profile after 2 weeks. Hence, you won’t be able to reopen your profile or access your content 20 days after closing it.

How do you know if someone deleted their LinkedIn account?

If you won’t be notified if a connection deletes his ID. But you can get a hint that they have removed their profiles if their chat is renamed to “a LinkedIn member,” but you can still see your older conversation with them.

After profile deletion, your profile information will be removed from Google search automatically. But this process can take a few days as search engine database updates from time to time. Until then, it’s possible that deleted LinkedIn account still shows up on Google.

Wait for a few days, and the listing will be gone after the data on the search engine database is updated.

Can I get my LinkedIn data before deleting account?

You can download a copy of your LinkedIn data anytime from your profile settings.

If you are planning to leave this platform forever, it is highly recommended you get one copy of all your information submitted on this site before you delete your profile. You can find its step-by-step procedure above in the article.

After closing account how long LinkedIn keep my data?

LinkedIn keeps your data for 30 days after you close your ID.

According to their privacy policy, most of your data will be deleted after a month of profile closure, except for the information needed for legal obligations (like law enforcement requests), regulatory requirements, dispute resolution, security maintenance, and preventing fraud and abuse.

Summary- Deleting Linked Account When You Aren’t Active

On LinkedIn, you can either permanently close your account or hibernate it to get back after a break.

The best thing is if your plan changes after closing the ID permanently. You can also retrieve it within 2 weeks.

Similarly, you can deactivate and reactivate your business or showcase pages.

However, it’s not possible to remove LinkedIn account without password. You can, however, retrieve the passcode if you don’t remember what you saved last time. For this, you will need the email or phone number linked to your LinkedIn profile.

Alternatively, you can regain access if you contact LinkedIn account recovery and verify yourself with a Government issued ID.

So, you cannot close LinkedIn account without password, but it’s possible to do it without an email address.

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