How To Find Out Who Viewed Your LinkedIn Profile Anonymously?


LinkedIn see who viewed your profile gives you much insight about your professional audience.

But not every person visiting your profile is visible to you. You cannot find out who visits your profile in the private mode settings. But LinkedIn gives you some hints about the visitors who browse others’ profiles in the private profile characteristic mode.

In this LinkedIn guide, a step-by-step procedure is included on how to view LinkedIn profile anonymously and see if it does any good to you as a professional.

How To Find Out Who Viewed Your LinkedIn Profile Anonymously?

LinkedIn does not reveal any information available about visitors who use private mode.

Nonetheless, LinkedIn ensures fair play. They hide the identity visitor identity of others from these private members as well.

So, there is no way to view others’ profiles in anonymous mode and, at the same time, get all the information about people who visit your profile.

Find Private Users Using the Premium Account

LinkedIn Premium has many upgraded features than basic accounts. That’s why many people think that Premium users might be able to know who has been checking on them in private mode.

But this is only a misconception, and profile viewing rules are the same for paid accounts.

You won’t know about anonymous visitors even with a LinkedIn premium or business plan. A user confirms it in a Reddit discussion about finding private viewers.

So, is there no difference in Basic, Premium, and Business accounts’ Who’s viewed your profile features?

In fact, there is.

  • With a Basic account, you will only get about 5 most recent profile visitors if they viewed your profile within the last 90 days.
  • With a Premium account, you will get a list of all visitors who looked into your account within the last 90 days.
  • And with a Business account, you can see all visitors from the last 365 days.

But keep in mind the details you will see about these visitors are according to their profile visibility settings. So, the names and details of those who visited in private mode won’t be shown to you.

Why Does LinkedIn Show Who Viewed Your Profile?

LinkedIn tells other people when you look into their profile. It might reveal your name, picture, headline, organization, and location to that user.

Why do they do that?

Because it can help you with professional networking and personal branding.

When you know what kind of people are drawn to your content, you can tailor it accordingly to inspire your audience and get more sales and prospects.

Can You View LinkedIn LinkedIn Profile Anonymously- How & Why?

Yes, you can see other’s professional IDs without them knowing about it using the private mode as a visitor. Here is how to set this mode:

How To Look At A LinkedIn Profile Anonymously?

  • Select Me from the taskbar located above the newsfeed.
  • Click on Settings & Privacy to open the settings panel.
privacy setting on linkedin
  • Open the Visibility section from the left sidebar.
LinkedIn visibility and profile viewing options
  • Click open Profile Viewing options.
  • Choose Private mode to search LinkedIn profile anonymously.
how to turn on private mode linkedin

Why Do Some Users Choose To View Profiles Anonymously?

Many people choose to see LinkedIn profile anonymously for multiple reasons:

They Do It Out Of Curiosity

  • Some people check LinkedIn profile anonymously before sending someone a connection request, they want to analyze the person before adding him to their network.
  • Also, there are some people who visit other people’s IDs only due to curiosity.

For Market Research

  • Private mode is also useful for market research. It gives you useful insights by looking how the successful persons in your industry have optimized their profiles.
  • The anonymous members may include your competitors who want to keep an eye on your progress.

To Analyze Job Candidates

  • Recruiters or hiring managers also use private mode to see your account while searching for the best candidate.

Oftentimes, they check candidates’ walls more than once and don’t let the candidates know that the recruiter is viewing their ID.

For Keeping an Eye on Others

  • Relatives, friends, or colleagues may also look at LinkedIn profile anonymously to observe each other’s activities without revealing their identity.
  • Sometimes, employers search for and view the employees’ accounts to clear their suspicions. They check on whether their employees are:
    • seeking a new job
    • networking with competitors
    • or bad-mouthing about the current company.

Their concern is if your professional presence aligns with your organization’s culture and how you talk about your company.

LinkedIn Watch Profile Anonymously or Semi-anonymously

LinkedIn visibility settings enable you to control what information the member gets about you when you visit his content.

Also, you get 2 options for anonymous visiting.

Either you can hide your name but reveal where you belong and what you do or you can make your identity completely hidden.

Semi-private Browsing With Private Profile Characteristics Mode

When you set this mode on, your name, headline or picture is not visible in the Who’s visited your profile section of the people you are taking a sneak peek at.

But LinkedIn might tell them about your location (city), organization or profession.

Stay Completely Anonymous With Private Mode

By choosing private mode, you can check on other’s accounts with confidence. It wipes away the fear of revealing your name or other details that might help people know who you are.

In this case, the account owners will only know “a LinkedIn member” viewed their professional ID but no other information is shared with them.

But do keep in mind that LinkedIn won’t give you details about other people visits when you have private mode turned on.

Related: How to share LinkedIn profile link

Does LinkedIn Tell You Who Viewed Your Profile If You Don’t Have An Account?

You can only view who is visiting your account through an active LinkedIn account and no way else.

Plus, logically speaking, if you have yet created a LinkedIn account, your profile don’t exists!

So, no one can see it.


Are third-party tools or apps reliable for finding anonymous viewers?

To date, no third-party apps or extensions are available to help you find out anonymous viewers.

And even if they were, using third-party tools and apps to manage your professional account is not a reliable practice. It puts your account at risk of data thefts and hacking.

Can LinkedIn premium members see who viewed their profile in private mode

No, even the LinkedIn premium or business members cannot find out the identity of private visitors.

Can I change my own settings to view profiles anonymously?

Use this path to change your settings to private mode:

Me >> Settings & Privacy >> Visibility >> Profile Viewing Options >> Private Mode

Does LinkedIn offer premium features to see more about who viewed my profile?

Yes, LinkedIn Premium gives you information about more visitors than the free account.

Summary- Is It Possible To Find Who View LinkedIn Profile Anonymously?

Many people check on others’ professional IDs but their identity from the profile owners. And it’s quite natural that you would want to know who’s been checking on you using the private mode.

However, LinkedIn does not provide any information about private visitors. You can’t do it with a free LinkedIn account nor with a premium one.

Even third-party apps are yet unsuccessful in solving this puzzle.

Nonetheless, you can also use private mode browsing to look into others’ profiles and do competitor research.

Related: How to Hide LinkedIn profile from LinkedIn Users

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