How to Personalize your LinkedIn Public Profile URL / Advantages of a LinkedIn Custom URL


A professional networking platform with over 722 million users as of 2021, 14 people are employed via LinkedIn every minute! Are you not searching for a position on LinkedIn, equally fine! Recruiters/ hiring managers now make time visiting social accounts, if mentioned by an applicant – if they are really pulled by your impressive/ well-written resume and want to explore more of you before choosing an ideal/ reliable potential employee.

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Give your resume an authentic touch by mentioning your social accounts like LinkedIn. Optimizing your public LinkedIn profile with a strong summary, professional display picture, and some promising recommendations can make you even more desirable to a hiring manager.

What is LinkedIn URL and Examples?

When you create a LinkedIn account, adding your email and password, the application assigns your LinkedIn profile a unique web-address / URL. This web address can then be shared with your network to connect with you on LinkedIn. This URL is a combination of your first and last name, in addition to certain numbers and letters.

For instance, your name is Holland Hadid. As you set up the account inserting your email and password, your account is active with a URL as

ABC’s LinkedIn public profile URL might show up as  LinkedIn allows you to have a personalized LinkedIn URL in 2 easy steps which we would be discussing a paragraph later! It helps your current and potential professional network find your LinkedIn profile by typing your first-last name hassle-free!

Where is my LinkedIn Public Profile URL?

LinkedIn Login Page
  • Your LinkedIn URL is now visible in your browser’s address bar. OR
  • (After Step 2) Below your mentioned city and number of connections thus developed, ‘Contact Info’ text is visible in blue. 

Click ‘Contact Info’. A window shows up showing your e-mail address and Linked profile URL in format.

How to Personalize LinkedIn URL?

LinkedIn allows personalized URLs for its users. You may remove the weird combination of irrelevant numbers and letters from the originally assigned web-address and design a short LinkedIn URL. As simple is beautiful, LinkedIn custom URLs is your personal short version for connection, colleagues, and employers to connect with you above the rocks!

Following are steps for creating personal URLs on LinkedIn:

  • Sign in your LinkedIn profile.
  • Click your profile visible on the top-left of the screen.
  • On the top-right, you should see ‘Edit Public Profile and URL’ beside your cover photo.
  • Click it, a new tab would open. Replace the original URL with a custom URL. Keep it simple. Custom URL is 5-30 letters or numbers. Use your first and last name and press ‘Save.’ If your name is no longer available, try using your middle essentials. You may add ‘1’ or any of your favorite but short number combinations.

Your personalized URL is now ready!

  • You may customize your LinkedIn URL 5 times in six months.
  • Once you change the previously assigned web address, you would get ‘Profile Not Found’, if navigated.
  • We recommend you using the same name sequence on LinkedIn as your Twitter and Facebook name – even Gmail address. This small action lends you a free-of-cost credibility check.

3-Major Advantages of Custom LinkedIn URL

Personalizing LinkedIn address has the following significant benefits:

You are Simpler to Discover

Your default LinkedIn URL is long and brimming with numbers and different characters, which isn’t exceptionally easy to use. If your name is common, customizing your LinkedIn address helps your network to discover you comfortably. The primary concern of LinkedIn is enabling others to rapidly and effectively discover and associate with you.

Credibility Uplift

Be a genuine up-and-comer, who puts forth an attempt to do their absolute best. This simple 5-second edit not only makes your LinkedIn web-address neat and professional but also highlights your attention to small personalizing details.

Can be Utilized in Your Professional Documents

This customized web address makes searching for URLs easier. It can then be utilized in your business cards, resume, personal blogs/ websites, social networking sites, and maybe in your email signature!

The Bottom Line

Your LinkedIn profile assists in boosting credibility with your potential hiring recruiters. This way they are enabled to explore you through your connections and recommendations, these activities demonstrate how you have been contributing value-addition in your previous professional experiences! 

This new URL makes your previous address invalid. So, if you’ve been sharing old URLs with colleagues, clients, or the otherwise professional network – don’t forget to spread this easy-to-remember personal URL with old networks.

Now that you have a personal URL, shared it with your connections – you better be making conscious crack to enhance your promotional LinkedIn display. Avoid stuffing similar-to-resume information, request pleasing-to-read recommendations from your clients, professors, colleagues, and past managers to emanate from the crowd.

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