Don’t Make These Common Mistakes When You Write Your Resume Objectives


If you are a fresh graduate and seeking jobs, you have to keep your resume up to the mark. There are some tactics for a good resume. A good resume must contain good career objectives. When you are freshly graduated, this particular section holds a great significance in your resume. So here we will give you some ideas to make your resume objectives top-notch.

What is a Resume Objective?

A resume objective is usually written at the top part of a resume that demonstrates your career goals and highlights why you are applying for that job. It is written when you are a new job seeker, or you want to switch your career path and you do not have any prior experience in that particular field. 

Why is a resume objective necessary? 

With a resume objective statement, you state why you are interested in the field and whether you have any relevant skills aligned with that job post or not. Generally, people add an objective statement right after their name and contact information. It helps you to grab the attention of your hiring manager and after reading your resume objective they decide if they are interested in further reading your resume or not. That depicts a resume objective as the first impression to your hiring manager. 

Benefits of having a resume objective while you are applying for the job

  • You will be noticed: We all know in this 21st century how hard it is to get your dream job. There is hard competition among the candidates. When you are applying for a job, along with your resume your hiring manager gets numerous applications for that post. In those circumstances, a good and well-written resume can be additional help for you. When you state a proper resume objective, you can snatch the attention of the recruiters in the heavy crowd. 
  • Focus on your strength: While writing the resume objective you will write your strength as well as your career goals and objectives. Stating your strength will show your confidence before the recruiters. 

How To Write Great Resume Objectives

Read The Job Description Properly:

Remember whenever you apply for a job, you must read the job description and responsibilities appropriately. Moreover, you need to customize your resume every time you apply for a job connecting with their job description and needs. When describing your career ambitions, make sure they align with the company and that specific post. The recruiters always appreciate that you have done some good research about the company before applying and that adds some good remarks to their book. They will also observe whether your career goal fits with their criteria or not in the long run. 

Related: Objective or Summary for Resume

Find Out Your Best Qualities:

A resume objective statement cannot be longer than 4-5 lines. That means you cannot put all your qualities altogether there. Here we would like to suggest that you read the job description again and choose the best qualities of yours that can fulfill their criteria. 

State it on The Top of Your Resume:

Since the purpose of the resume objective statement is to gain the attention of the recruiters so place them on the top of your resume right after your contact. Thus it can grab the attention of the recruiters easily. 

Format it Appropriately:

You know that your resume will be your first impression of yours before your job recruits, so, when you are writing it, formats it accordingly. Do not use an unusual, indecent font. Keep it simple and keep it organized.

Be Precise:

Your objective statement should only be four to five sentences. Your purpose here is to quickly illustrate why you want this job and why they should continue reading your resume and other application materials. If you want to include some more skills, do it in the rest of the part of your resume. 

Include How Your Education Will Assist You For The Job Post:

Make a good connection between your educational background and the job. That will provide you with some good points. So, the recruiter will understand that you have a good knowledge and skill that are suitable for the post.

Some Mistakes To Avoid Before Writing Your Resume Objectives 

  1. A big paragraph should be avoided. As we already stated that your resume objective statement cannot be more than five sentences, keep that in mind when you write your resume objective statement. Many candidates make the mistake of writing a huge paragraph and that kills their impression in the first place. 
  2. Do not put any Irrelevant skills or goals that do not make any sense. You only should write about the skills and goals that are applicable to the job description. 
  3. Do not forget to mention the values that you can add to the company. When you add your strength and how well you can add value to their company, you will be noticed more quickly and that increases the chances of you getting the job. 
  4. Always stay truthful about your information. Do not provide any false information or do not exaggerate. 

Lastly, keep the quote in mind by J.K Rowling, “A good impression can work wonders,” Your first impressions to your job recruiters depend on your resume and when your resume objective statement is marvelous you leap one step further to get your dream job. So, follow these tactics and build your dream career.

A Small Tip:

When you do get invited to an interview. Don’t just assume you can fire your way through the interview questions round. Here’s a quick list of questions you can practice to go in with confidence. And no, it’s not a generic list of ‘What is your strength’ or ‘What is your weakness’! 

  • Walk us through the most difficult workplace decisions you’ve made in your career.
  • You’re looking to part ways with your current firm, why is that?
  • You’ve changed jobs 5 times in 7 years! You don’t like to stay in one company for long?
  • Would you be willing to travel interstate for company reasons? You are looking at least 5 months of travel in a calendar year.
  • What do you know about our competition?

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